
Website Principles


The church recognises the increasing role played by the Internet in promoting, publicising and communicating messages of various kinds, and believes that this represents an exciting opportunity for spreading the gospel and promoting the welcome, witness and worship of Slough Baptist Church.


The church web site should have the following characteristics:

  • It should be attractive and welcoming.
  • All information should be accurate, clear and up to date.
  • Navigation should be reliable and easy to follow.
  • It will contain links to other churches, organisations and groups which share a common basis of faith.
  • It should be accessible to as many people as possible.
  • It will not carry commercial advertising.
  • It will reflect the church's core purpose and mission statement.


The church recognises the dangers inherent in publicising its activities in this way, and will implement the following strategies to minimise any risk:

  • Personal details (addresses, telephone numbers) will not be published, but all enquirers directed to the church office.
  • No individual photos will be used without the subject's consent.
  • No individual photos of children under 16 will be used without the parents'/carers' consent.
  • Persons in photos will not be identified by name (except for pastors and other full/part-time leaders).
  • All group photos will be vetted by the pastor(s) before use.
  • The numbers of children attending church activities will not be shown.


The church will allow and encourage links to its web site to be placed on the sites of other appropriate agencies and organisations.

Contact Us

If you need more information then please do get in touch with us at the church office 01753 523058

Email us